Three Sages Productions


1. Make sure you have cookies enabled for the website and have javascript enabled in your browser.

2. Go to the main store page at Store

3. Choose a category of products from the links on the main store page.

4. On the category catalog pages, you can choose to view more details about each product by clicking on the individual product page links present, or you can add any item directly to your cart.

5. On the individual product pages, you will find full details about each product and you can add items to your cart from these pages as well.

6. When you click any Add to cart button on the site, that item will be added to your shopping cart. You can see your current shopping cart at any time and on any page of our site both in the left footer section of our site. You can also see a mini-cart in the top right corner. You can view your full cart page by clicking on the View Cart link in the footer, by clicking on the Cart link in the mini-cart, or by clicking here.

If your product does not show up in the cart for any reason, please try registering and logging in as a user with our site by clicking here. Be sure to save your username and password in a location where you can easily find it later should you forget at any time. Logging in should solve any problems you may encounter with any Add to Cart button not working properly in adding the item to the cart and with any problem with the ordering process.

Assuming your chosen item was properly added after clicking any Add to Cart button, you have a lot of functionality to choose from on this first cart page.

a. Changing Quantity - For any item in the cart, you can input a new quantity and then click the Update Cart button. The system will update the quantity for that item as specified. You can also use the + and = buttons to increase or decrease the quantity.

b. Removing Item - If you made a mistake in selecting an item, or if you change your mind about wanting to purchase an item, you can remove any item by click the X button on the left side of the item and clicking the Update Cart button.

c. Obtaining a Shipping Quote - For items in your cart that must be shipped, the cart will automatically display our Flat Rate shipping cost for your order.

d. Continue Shopping - After you add an item to your cart and want to continue shopping, just navigate back to the product list page through our top menu system.

e. Checkout - When you have completed your shopping process and have all items you wish to order in the cart, you can then press the Proceed to Checkout button to proceed with finalizing your order and initiating payment with PayPal.

7. After clicking the Proceed to Checkout button you will be taken to the Checkout page. This page is where you provide your order and billing information to our shopping cart system. There are numerous steps on this page detailed below.

a. Your Order section - Just review the data here to make sure it is correct. If you see any mistakes here, hit the CART link at the top right corner of the site to return to the cart page to correct any problems.

b. Billing Details - Enter all your billing information here. All fields marked with a * are required fields. If you already have a user account with our site, please make sure you login on that account before placing any subsequent orders. That way all your orders will be included within your account. If you attempt to make a new purchase when you are not logged in, our store system will create a new user account using the e-mail address you've provided in this Billing Details section. If there is already a user account with that e-mail address, the store will not allow the order to complete. You will have to either login to your account that e-mail address is associated with use a unique e-mail address not associated with any account.

c. Ship to a Different Address - Click this checkbox only if you need your order shipped to a location that is different from the information provided in the Billing Details section above. Fill out the details after checking this box to open this shipping details section.

d. Order Notes - If there are any details about your order that you want us to know, please fill out the Order Notes text area to provide that information.

e. Payment Method - In this section, you will first see your order total with all shipping and tax costs added in. PayPal is the only payment method we offer at this time, so that will already be selected.

g. PayPal and Debit or Credit Card buttons - Click either of these buttons to proceed to payment with PayPal. Click the PayPal button to use your PayPal account for payment. Click the Debit or Credit Card button to pay with either of those at PayPal. After you click either of these buttons, you will be taken to the PayPal website. At the top of the page, you will see your order details. Check this over to make sure all order data was passed to PayPal correctly. If you are not logged in to PayPal, you must log in with your e-mail address and password to use your PayPal account for payment.

h. Cancel - If you wish to cancel your order at any point, simply go back to the cart page and remove all products from your cart.

If you encounter any problems in this process that you can't figure out or get past, please contact us using our Contact Form for further assistance.

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