This product is for customers that have already paid the $50.00 for a one hour assessment of their system to determine the severity of the infection. Only use this product if you have been instructed to purchase additional hours to complete your system cleanup. If you have not yet done a one hour assessment and wish to purchase a system cleanup, please choose the System Cleanup – One Hour Assessment product.
Additional hours are $25.00 each with a maximum of six. Since you have already paid $50.00 for your assessment, the maximum additional charge you will have for a system cleanup will be $150.00 (6 hours) even if the time involved turns out to be more than 6 additional hours.
Purchase a monthly system maintenance service to have Three Sages Productions handle all your system security needs. Service includes monthly scans using multiple free system…
A one-time service for removing all virus and spyware components from a system, improving system performance, and demonstrating proper maintenance techniques towards a goal of…
With this service, for a flat-rate fee of $100, either on-site in the Orlando metropolitan area, or through Windows Remote Assistance for all other customers,…