Three Sages Productions
Use this form to obtain a custom t-shirt printing price quote from Three Sages Productions.
Name *
E-Mail Address *
Total Quantity *
What is the total number of T-shirts you wish to print? (72 minimum)
Quantity-3XL *
Of the total number of shirts listed in the quantity field above, how many size 3XL shirts do you want (leave field blank if zero)?
Quantity-2XL *
Of the total number of shirts listed in the quantity field above, how many size 2XL shirts do you want (leave field blank if zero)?
Quantity-XL *
Of the total number of shirts listed in the quantity field above, how many size XL shirts do you want (leave field blank if zero)?
Quantity-L *
Of the total number of shirts listed in the quantity field above, how many size L shirts do you want (leave field blank if zero)?
Quantity-M *
Of the total number of shirts listed in the quantity field above, how many size M shirts do you want (leave field blank if zero)?
Quantity-S *
Of the total number of shirts listed in the quantity field above, how many size S shirts do you want (leave field blank if zero)?
Type * —Please choose an option—100% Cotton50/50 Blend
Which type of shirt do you prefer?
Shirt Color *
What color will the shirts be?
Print Colors - Front * —Please choose an option—0123456
How many colors will the front design have (enter 0 for back print only)?
Print Colors - Back * —Please choose an option—0123456
How many colors will the back design have (enter 0 for front print only)?
Additional Information
Please provide any additional information you can about what you will require from us in the area of Custom T-Shirt Printing to meet your needs.